Showing: 1 - 7 of 7 Articles

13 Tips To Be More Confident In Front Of A Camera

One of the most common barriers to making videos is many people hate being on camera. Of course, there are all kinds of videos you can make without ever having to show your face, but if you DO have to appear on camera, a few simple tips can go a long way to help you …

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The Importance of Developing Public Speaking Skills

Most people possess at least some degree of fear of public speaking. However, developing your public speaking skills can put you at a big advantage in your career, as it can lead to opportunities that others may avoid. Below, you’ll find public speaking tips and techniques that will help you get comfortable in front of …


Corporate Communication And Its Barriers

Employees play an essential role in the development of a company. Therefore, the more motivated they are, the more productive they are. They will be more enthusiastic to accomplish their tasks and work. It will also help them to thrive better, especially physiologically. However, getting an employee motivated is no small task. The company needs …


Things You Should Know as a New College Professor

Being a teacher has been my dream job since I was 5, and I’ve been lucky enough to land my dream job; I’ve worked my way up the social ladder and struggled a lot before I got my current title as a college professor. While I was doing my master’s and Ph.D., I was working …


How To Boost Your Concentration When Working From Home?

Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, some companies have maintained telecommuting to lighten the load and avoid traveling, especially for vulnerable people. However, working from home is not easy when you have a large family. To maintain productivity and quality of work, you need to stay focused in the face of various diversions that can distract …

Public speaking

A Full Guide To Public Speaking Coaching.

It is undeniable that communication has become increasingly important to business success, This makes the expense of engaging a public speaking coach is more than justified. However, as any astute communications director will tell you, hiring any old coach is not the answer. It’s critical to assess your executives’ strengths and shortcomings, as well as …

Public Speaking

Tips for Improving Your Public Speaking Skills

Snakes? Fine. Flying? No problem. Public speaking? Yikes! Just thinking about public speaking – routinely described as one of the greatest (and most common) fears – can make your palms sweat. But there are many ways to tackle this anxiety and learn to deliver a memorable speech. Nervousness Is Normal. Practice and Prepare! All people …