Showing: 1 - 3 of 3 Articles

Customer Loyalty: A Strategic Issue That Cannot Be Ignored

To develop and compensate for its customer base, every company must find the right balance between prospecting and retention. As Sam Walton said: “There is only one boss: the customer! And he can fire anyone in the company, from the CEO to the rank-and-file, simply by taking his money elsewhere.” If you still don’t know …


Adopt the Marketing Mix To Start Your Business

There are many ways to market your products and services to attract target customers. The marketing mix or marketing plan is the most widely used technique. By definition, it is the set of techniques developed mainly in 4 distinct areas: product, price, place, and promotion. These elements are interdependent, so the actions and decisions taken …

Creating a Company: How to Make a Business Plan?

For the creator of a company, the business plan is a very expressive weapon. The construction of the whole company depends on it. It allows the promoter to justify his project’s implementation, set objectives, and define a dynamic strategy. When the creator realizes this business plan of the company, it presents at all levels more …