Commitment and Involvement: For the Success of a Corporation

Commitment means to show loyalty, duty or pledge to something or someone. Commitment to the success of a corporation is imperative; however, commitment is even more important for an individual. The most important factor for individual success is commitment. Commitment sparks action….then results will follow. There are two fundamental aspects of commitment we should consider.

The first is having a strong conviction of your beliefs. If you don’t stand for something, then you’ll fall for anything and also the best commitment is “persistence with a purpose”.

The second important factor is the faithful adherence to those beliefs and is represented by your behavior.

Commitment to our customers starts with a commitment to quality. Whether it is recruiting best-fit talent, developing innovative technology, or consulting with measurable results, an organization should always strive for continual process improvement.

Involvement is creating an environment in which people have an impact on decisions and actions that affect their jobs. The involvement of people helps capture the creativity, energy, and ideas many people have. They also allow departments and individuals to work cross-functionally, and create an environment of learning and constant renewal.

Employee Involvement

Employee Involvement

Efforts to increase employee involvement, empower workers, involve them in decision making and give them increased job autonomy. Employee involvement programs can increase job satisfaction, employee morale and commitment to the organization, as well as increase productivity, reduce turnover and absenteeism and enhance the quality of products and services.

Efforts to involve employees in meaningful ways include:

  • Self-managed work teams
  • Employee committees or task forces
  • Continuous improvement teams
  • Participative decision making
  • Employee suggestion forums, such as a suggestion box and monthly meetings

Employees are more likely to engage and believe in consultation when senior managers show personal and long-term commitment, and listen to the views of employees because they want to hear what the workforce has to say.

Your employees are more likely to communicate with you if:

  • You show them that you believe in the benefits of consultation
  • They are committed to the businesses goals, including the health and safety goals;
  • They think it is in their interests to participate;
  • They trust you and find you approachable;
  • Your actions match your words; and
  • You encourage your employees to be in good health and work in a safe condition.

Developing Commitment

As you demonstrate your commitment to workforce involvement in health and safety, it will develop your workforce’s commitment. This helps to build the trust, co-operation and communication you need to make it work.

Continuous Improvement Principles

Continuous Improvement Principles

Continuous improvement is a way of doing business that focuses on constant efforts to improve product or service quality to meet customer requirements and strategic business objectives. Rather than focusing on large process re-design projects. Continuous improvement focuses on making incremental improvements in a process with the goal of increasing value to the customer.

An organizational commitment to quality is the driving principle behind the continuous improvement. A Continuous -focused business is committed to providing quality products or services in a timely, cost-effective way. In addition, it sees improvement as an ongoing process and not an end result. In such an organization, problems and mistakes are not punished, but embraced and used as opportunities for improvement.

A process exists to meet customer requirements, and those needs drive Continuous Improvement. Identifying, defining and balancing the various customer requirements is the aim of the process — the desired outcome based on customers’ requirements. Simply stated, quality is defined by the customers.

Continuous improvement uses a process approach. This approach assumes that all work is a process that can be described, studied and improved based on customer feedback and data. For example, cycle time measures the time required to complete a process and is a key indicator for process improvement. An integral component of the process approach involves identifying problems or defects in the process, finding their source and then correcting them.


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