Showing: 1 - 5 of 5 Articles

Is Passion Necessary For Your Career?

We all know the saying that if you do something that you love, then it will never feel like work, but how much is this statement really accurate? Is passion the only thing necessary to get ahead in life or the workplace, or is there anything else that needs to be added on top of …


The Perfect Guide To Freelancing Without Experience

If you have no prior experience, you want to know how to start freelancing. You daydream about the extra time you’d have to spend with family and friends so much that you can’t stop thinking about it. The additional cash you’d have to meet your financial objectives. The pleasure you’d derive from being your boss. …


Things You Should Know as a New College Professor

Being a teacher has been my dream job since I was 5, and I’ve been lucky enough to land my dream job; I’ve worked my way up the social ladder and struggled a lot before I got my current title as a college professor. While I was doing my master’s and Ph.D., I was working …


Things I Wish I Knew Before I Became a College Professor (Part 2)

In part one of this blog series, I talked about some of the things I wish I had known before I became a college professor. For this new part, we’ll delve deeper into the subject and learn about other things you ought to know if you want to become a college professor. I didn’t have a smooth …