Showing: 1 - 7 of 7 Articles

The Art of Leadership: Strategies for Inspiring and Motivating Your Team

Leadership is not merely a title; it’s a dynamic role that requires a combination of skills, qualities, and strategies to guide and inspire a team. A great leader can create a positive work environment, foster collaboration, and motivate their team to achieve outstanding results. In this article, we’ll explore the art of leadership, delving into …


Business Management: Developing Your Leadership Skills

If setting up a business is difficult, running it is a different story. Indeed, managing a business means being exposed to various constraints such as investment, managing staff, and ensuring the productivity of the business sector. These situations can lead to personal and professional complications if not properly understood. To be a good leader, one …


How To Give Feedback That Is Well Received

Has anyone ever said to you, “I need to give you some constructive criticism”? Did you feel yourself putting up your guard, even just a little bit? Most of us would answer yes. All but the most confident people feel at least a little apprehensive when they hear those words. The problem is, when people …

Are You A Boss, Or A Leader – Part 2

In our last article, we asked the question – Do you want to transform from a boss into a leader? If you’re here reading this article, we’re assuming the answer is: YES! It is often easier to start out as a leader instead of shifting from a boss into a leader. This is because your …


Are You A Boss, Or A Leader – Part 1

In the world of business, we have bosses…and then we have leaders. If you are a manager, supervisor, or business owner, you should carefully analyse your managerial style and assess whether you’re a boss or a leader within your corporation. Anyone can be a boss. Well, perhaps not anyone, but it is far easier to …

Teamwork and Leadership in a Workplace

Teamwork and Leadership in a Workplace

 Group communication plays a crucial role in a workplace and two important features of this form of communication are teamwork and leadership. So, let’s start with teamwork. Teamwork At some point of your life, you will have to work as a part of a team at either at the university or at work. In addition, …


Planning for Tomorrow’s Disruption as a Leader

Successful leadership in today’s fast-moving, global environment will require cultivating creative, flexible and resilient thinkers who can effectively lead through the current crisis while simultaneously positioning their organization to survive the next one. As the COVID-19 crisis continues to unfold and its long-term ramifications remain unclear, conducting postmortems and defining lessons learned can seem premature. …