The 6 Most Difficult Questions During A Job Interview

The day comes when you have a job interview for that position you so desire. You sit down in front of the recruiter, who starts asking you a few questions, and your nerves get the better of you as your mind goes blank, and suddenly you don’t know what to answer.

To prevent this from happening to you, the best thing to do is to prepare yourself before the interview, so you can show the interviewer that you are the right candidate.

Here are six of the most challenging questions that can be asked in a job interview, so take note and start preparing your answers!

What is your greatest weakness?


When answering this question during the job interview, you need to keep in mind that there are typical answers that recruiters are used to hearing that can cause them to lose interest in what you are telling them. So, the best way to approach this question is to avoid platitudes.

Think calmly about what you are going to say, but be honest and self-critical. Also, always clarify what you have done to overcome your weaknesses and turn them into strengths.

Why were you fired from your last job?

This is one of the most problematic questions you can be asked. Therefore, it is essential that you show that you are willing to answer honestly.

  • In your answer, you can specify what the type of termination was and what caused it, but try to keep your answer short and to the point.
  • In the case of a termination that you feel was wrongful: avoid bashing your former employer and focus on what you learned from the situation.
  • In the case of a causal termination: take responsibility, explain where you failed and what you would do differently now.

Why did you leave your previous job?


No less complicated than the previous one, this is also one of the most common questions in a job interview. Be careful when answering: try to be honest but remain positive.

It is recommended that you focus the answer on one of the following topics:

  • Why you chose to change jobs: if you are looking for new challenges or a change in position.
  • Why the position you are interviewing for is a good fit for your skills.
  • What you have learned in your previous experience and what you are doing to gain new skills.

Why do you want to work with us?

In the job interview, with this question, recruiters are basically looking for three things:

  • Determine how interested you are in the position they are offering
  • Evaluate whether you fit into the organization’s work culture
  • Make sure you understand the mission of the position.
  • Your response should focus on the value and track record of the organization, your excitement about being a part of it, and the aspects of the position that interest you most.

What sets you apart from other candidates?

Certainly, recruiters have already interviewed other candidates with similar abilities to yours. A short, concise answer that shows your confidence is most appropriate.

Focus on your skills! Explain how you will add value to the organization and why your professional career makes you the right person for the role you are interested in.

What was the most challenging situation you have experienced?


The interviewer is looking for your reaction in a conflict situation with this question. In this case, you should:

  • Do not lie and tell a natural and convincing situation.
  • Choose an anecdote that ends on a positive note.
  • Highlight your qualities and general skills
  • Keep in mind that not all your faults are necessarily eliminatory; you can very well put them on your side if you know-how

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