Stylish Office Design Ideas to Create Your Ideal Workspace

You can ask 15 people what makes an office design great and you will definitely get 15 different answers. You see, everyone has their own idea of what makes a stylish office space. Truth to be told, there are absolutely no limits to how you furnish and design an office space.

That said, we all know how working in a comfortable and inviting atmosphere can play a vital role in improving overall mood and increasing productivity. And, after all, some office designs are just better than others – and I’m not only talking in terms of aesthetics.

Transforming a messy office space into a more focused, creative and comfortable one can – I promise you – have a tremendous effect on your business.

Out here, you’ll find several ideas to adorn your office in such a way that people would walk into your office with a good first impression.

#1. Embody Your Company’s Values In Your Office Design

Embody Your Company’s Values In Your Office Design

When designing office a company’s office, price is often chief among the top priorities. Wrong!

Try to think of what could keep you and your team motivated, productive and inspired every day.

What about making your company’s mission statement visible?

Some of the world’s most successful organizations like to enlarge a photo of their mission statement and display it in a common area

Think about walking through the office door every morning, only to come across something like this:

Our goal is to provide efficient, professional and competitive service

   We have to exceed customer’s expectations

  Be organized and be punctual.”

Best Assembly Pty Ltd

#2. Create Focus Spaces In Your Office

Create Focus Spaces In Your Office

It is always a good idea to think about space planning when designing your ideal office space. The main benefit of such a layout is that it lets in much light as possible, creates a good flow, offers unlimited opportunities for creative tasks and stimulates the imagination.

This strategic process makes sure, for example, your computer is not placed in a spot where you will have difficulty looking at the screen late at night. Or, if you are often going to work at your desk, all the necessary tools will be framed in your line of sight.

#3. Incorporate Brand Colours

Incorporate Brand Colours

Every business is different. And so would be their brand and mission statement. That means that the same colour scheme cannot be used for all office designs.

For example, some are better off with bright and vibrant colours that reflect a consistent style of what they and their business are all about, while bold and cooler tones can uphold more professional values.

Integrating the brand into the office design can make employees feel more connected to the business and make them more inclined to promote a positive image of the company.

#4. Go For Large Works Of Art

Go For Large Works Of Art

The office design that is right for your business will depend in large part on the hanging art that can make your office space look a lot more spacious, interesting and thoughtful. In the process, you might just be creating a breathtaking expression of art to display the heart and mind of your company.

Now, it’s up to you to either choose warm, bold and eye-catching wall hangings or opt for simple black and whites that can brighten your office spaces as much as the vibrant-coloured ones.

#5. Add Unique Pieces Of Furniture

Add Unique Pieces Of Furniture

When planning your new office design, put unique pieces of furniture on the list of “must-have” items. From swagged out couches to animal print ottoman chairs and stunning architectural tables, you will undoubtedly find some furniture that can speak to your company.

And, if you need installation services for your office furniture, you can count on Best Assembly Pty Ltd.







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