Showing: 1 - 4 of 4 Articles

This Is How You Prove Your Worth In The Workplace

When you just finished college and are searching for a job, it is hard to know your worth, and you’ll at times take jobs that aren’t paying you for what you are worth. You might be working harder and longer than any other person in that company but still won’t be paid what you are …


How To Give Feedback That Is Well Received

Has anyone ever said to you, “I need to give you some constructive criticism”? Did you feel yourself putting up your guard, even just a little bit? Most of us would answer yes. All but the most confident people feel at least a little apprehensive when they hear those words. The problem is, when people …


How to Improve the Quality of Life at Work?

Today, the quality of life in the workplace is one of the most sensitive issues. When your employees feel under pressure, they may not value the missions they are entrusted with. To improve this, it is essential to take various actions. Here are some ways to help you out! Implementing Quality of Life at Work …

How to Position Yourself as a Leader?

There has never been a better time to develop your leadership skills. According to Deloitte’s 2014 Millennial Survey, millennials will comprise 75% of the global workforce by 2025. Think about that statistic for a moment because the implications are enormous. Within a few years, Baby Boomers will have all but completed the handoff of leadership …