Telecommuting: Advantages And Disadvantages

Since Covid-19, many companies have tried telecommuting as a way to continue to operate during periods of confinement. Many companies have found this a beneficial and enjoyable experience and have decided to continue this work arrangement even after decontainment. So, without further ado, let’s dive into this blog and learn some of the advantages of telecommuting and some of the disadvantages that have been noted.

Benefits of telecommuting


Telecommuting is beneficial to both the employer and the worker.

For the employer

The employer will enjoy many benefits that will improve the operation and productivity of the business. First of all, telecommuting will reduce the number of delays and absenteeism. Indeed, there is no need to take the subway or to go through traffic jams to get to work. It also avoids many reasons for leaving that can be solved by telecommuting. On top of that, human resources will have more flexibility.

Employees will no longer have transportation problems or delays, and they will be able to concentrate fully on their work. This will increase motivation, productivity, and competitiveness. What more could an employer ask for? In addition, telecommuting is a solution to reduce various expenses within the company such as transportation costs, canteen, or even the cost of office furnishing and cleaning.

The company will also be able to hire or keep employees who are not located in the same geographical area or even in another country. PRMs (persons with reduced mobility) will also be able to work for the company, even if the company does not have the appropriate infrastructure to accommodate them. Many people with disabilities have great potential but are unable to demonstrate this skill due to a lack of infrastructure. Teleworking can solve this problem.

For the employee


It is clear that the reduction of travel time is beneficial for both the company and the employee. If the employee can’t work from home for various reasons, he can consider working in a coworking space not far from his home. No more stress and fear during the work trip; his office will be just a step away from his bed.

The worker will then be more efficient thanks to this. In some cases, it is the worker who organizes his schedule as he wishes. This scheduling flexibility can help them produce efficiently while devoting themselves to their personal needs (sports, leisure, relationships, etc.) and their family.

The disadvantages

One of the disadvantages of telecommuting is that it is more difficult to monitor and manage. Indeed, it is easy to have a follow-up and to know the progress of a task if the worker is visible and available permanently. This is not the case for remote work because it is necessary to organize meetings in advance and to give notice before making a video call, to review the work in progress and the objectives to be reached.

Apart from that, the employee also runs the risk of being permanently isolated. This problem can affect the employee’s psychological state, especially for a full-time employee. Being isolated for long periods of time will make it difficult for the employee to socialize. Of course, they will be able to call or communicate with their colleagues virtually, but this will remain quite limited.

How to take advantage of the benefits of telecommuting?


Professionalism is the key to successful telecommuting. Since the success of this system depends mainly on the worker, he or she will need to have qualities such as patience, autonomy, or organizational skills. These qualities are essential if they want to have a good work routine and want to manage their time perfectly. Employees who work from home also tend to mix their professional and personal lives. They must be very strict about this and separate the two.

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