Showing: 1 - 3 of 3 Articles

Telecommuting: Advantages And Disadvantages

Since Covid-19, many companies have tried telecommuting as a way to continue to operate during periods of confinement. Many companies have found this a beneficial and enjoyable experience and have decided to continue this work arrangement even after decontainment. So, without further ado, let’s dive into this blog and learn some of the advantages of …


How To Boost Your Concentration When Working From Home?

Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, some companies have maintained telecommuting to lighten the load and avoid traveling, especially for vulnerable people. However, working from home is not easy when you have a large family. To maintain productivity and quality of work, you need to stay focused in the face of various diversions that can distract …

The Art Of Working Remotely: 7 Strategies To Ensure Productivity

The Art Of Working Remotely: 7 Strategies To Ensure Productivity

At first, working from home feels like a dream: more concentration, fewer distractions from colleagues, and more time for you. But after a few days without going to the office, you realize that the attention starts to shatter, the distractions no longer come from colleagues, but from family members and requests from the home environment, …