Interventions on Economic and Employment Development in the New Aquitaine Region

New Aquitaine is an administrative region located in France emanating from the 2015 territorial reform.

Our article will reveal the development techniques in terms of economic and job creation in this region.


Nouvelle-Aquitaine is a vast region exceeding Austria, with an area of 84,036 square kilometers. It is located in the southwestern part of France and results from the merger of Aquitaine, Limousin, and Poitou-Charentes. Its particularities lie in its high potential for innovation and research.

Bordeaux is its capital, the most popular city in France today, and one of the most visited regions in the country.


It is the leading agricultural region in Europe, with an estimated turnover of 9.4 billion euros. It has more than twenty-five (25) urban areas, five (05) universities, and several high schools.

Due to its potential, it is one of the best regions for wealth generation and business creation, which is a good asset for the development of the economy.

Its rise in every sense of the word has allowed it to progress exponentially to become France’s privileged and attractive region.

The sectors that can be exploited for the economy and employment
Several sectors can be exploited in New Aquitaine. They can thus contribute to the development of the economy and create jobs.

Many companies can be established there.

1- Tourism

Knowing that New Aquitaine is a tourist site with a natural landscape and historical monuments of the most original, it contributes to tourism development.

This sector is vast with several areas of application, including

  • seaside resorts;
  • extraordinary natural landscapes: forest, winter sports resorts,…
  • wine castles;
  • various architectural buildings;
  • the unequalled gastronomy.

The number of tourists who come here is estimated at twenty-seven (27) million per year. To this effect, this point allows generating numerous jobs through various activities. Among them, we can mention the campsites, vacation villages, hotels and restaurants, and other accommodation means.

The tourism sector employs more than 100,000 people with a turnover of 14 billion euros.

2- Livestock and wine growing

New Aquitaine, composed of rural areas, is a preferred site for livestock.

It is one of the regions with a large number of sectors in the agri-food sector, which generates several jobs with its more than 85,000 farms.

Among these farms, we cite :

Cattle breeding

This sector holds the first place. It is dedicated to producing meat and milk with very efficient cattle breeds. Thus, it allows running many industrial subsidiaries to transform meat and dairy into by-products. It represents one of the essential pillars of the agri-food industry, contributing to the economy’s evolution.

Goat breeding

This type of breeding is mainly used for the production of milk.

Sheep breeding

It is used to produce meat and milk with its local breeds.

Pig breeding

It occupies an important place in the food industry by producing pork meat and by-products such as sausages.

For the wine industry, a unique sector, the wines produced are exported worldwide.

3- Fishing

Fishing focuses mainly on the production of oysters, called in technical terms “oyster farming”. It is composed of local oysters specific to the Arcachon basin, Marennes-Oleron, or the great Southwest.

4- Forestry

Due to its forestry qualities, the region allows the “wood industry” practice. Consequently, it exploits its resources for the production of printing and various furnishings. This sector includes more than 56,000 employees and generates a turnover of about ten (10) billion euros, a substantial advantage for the region.

5- Other Sectors

We can count the aeronautics and space sectors, railways, automotive, and electronic sectors, and those related to metallurgy and mechanics, innovative industries, and chemical industries (medical products and pharmaceuticals).

All these sectors actively and effectively participate in the increase of the GDP.

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